In another boost for the UK’s BNO passports, the Hong Kong government issues measures for schools (‘specific measures’, no less) to make kids obey the NatSec Law and not sing rebellious songs or link arms.
Every school must nominate teachers or committees to ensure that students are taught that the NatSec Law is necessary and wonderful, and they are privileged to be subject to it. If schools find any student mentioning politics, they must call the police under the new Emergency Kids-discussing-politics Crisis Procedures.
The aim is to…
…strengthen students’ virtue cultivation … and help them understand the constitutional order … and their national identity
There’s also removal of books from libraries, careful examination of notice-boards and similar fun stuff. Biology lessons are going to get weirder.
Kindergartens are included in this creepiness. And international schools will be expected to enter into the spirit of things.
See here also for the propaganda video for primary-level kids. Since most eight-year-olds are probably into (age-appropriate, wholesome) manga and anime, they will note that the vid features the same civil-service-designed cartoon characters you get in all the other infantile, condescending government publicity campaigns – and no doubt draw their own conclusions about cultivating virtue.
Coming soon: Xi Jinping Thought for kiddies, and exchange tours with Young Pioneers.
(Additional information for parents here.)
The week did get worse, didn’t it!
Sounds good to me. Actually, I’m hoping the Government will run with this and set up a program of related evening classes for adults. It could be tied to picking up your new ID card (don’t worry, those who’ve got theirs would also be called in). The replacement would be issued only after you’d obtained a pass grade. Basically, the idea is that you’ll not be allowed to be an SAR “ambassador” (go on holiday, participate in a overseas whoring trip etc.) unless you meet the very highest standards.
These “specific measures” are BRILLIANT. I’m only half-way through the footnote on p1 and already I’m impressed!
“… Nonetheless, as a principle, international schools as well as other private primary schools, secondary schools and kindergartens solely offering non-local curricula also have the responsibility to help their students (regardless of their ethnicity and nationality) acquire a correct and objective understanding and APPREHENSION of the concept of national security and the National Security Law, as well as the
duty to cultivate a law-abiding spirit among their students …”
Appreciation? Comprehension? Nope! Apprehension! Hit the nail on the head! Congrats to whichever government minion slipped that one in! I wonder if there are any more gems like this?!
I wonder if they will introduce compulsory catch-up lessons for the spawn of the senior education officials attending boarding schools overseas?
Regarding sex education. I believe the rules are No Orgasms. No Ejaculations and No Procreation unless big daddy’s in your heart and mind at the exact moment. Pass the tissues please; I’m gonna wet myself for the ccp.
Can I just say if I had watched the Old Grey Whistle Test in October 1975 my life might have been very different , having seen the attractions of the Sadistic Mika Band (good name)!
Also wish my youth had been more misspent than it was in possessing Hemlock’s knowledge of (to me) very obscure bands.
Sika on
Presumably biology lessons will focus on eugenics, Chinese racial purity, and the elimination of inferior Uighur and Tibetan genes. (I wish I was joking.)
Just picture the joyous scene as families gather (suitably distanced) to ring in the new year. Grandfather Wong, still haunted by grassing up his parents during the cultural revolution and subsequent swim across Deep Bay, asks Junior Wong “How’s school going”? Junior regurgitates some key elements of Xi Jiping thought and nearly causes the old fella to choke on his ‘Har Gow’ The family will be ringing up the UK immigration hotline quicker than you can say Portsmouth.
It almost seems that they want an exodus or perhaps that was the plan all along ? It is my hope that Carrie, Teresa don’t fall through the cracks and join them after a suitable pause.
Article 5
The socialist system and policies shall not be practised in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and the previous capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years.
“Organisers of the annual June the Fourth candlelight vigil had briefly defied the authorities’ ban and kept hosting a Lunar New Year flower stall at Victoria Park.
Minutes into Saturday, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) terminated the contract for the stall, saying they displayed banners irrelevant to the selling of flowers.
The Alliance in Support of Democratic Patriotic Movements of China had put up banners such as “Vindicate June Fourth”, “For Freedom, Fight Together”. They were later covered up.
The group tried to keep operating the stall from around 7 am.
Alliance chairman Lee Cheuk-yan said ever since the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown of the democracy movement in 1989, they had been able to host the Lunar New Year flower stall for more than 30 years non-stop. He said he’s heartbroken to be suppressed.
Lee noted that even last year, the Alliance was able to display similar messages, but now they’ve been told to close the stall even before they could actually start selling flowers.
At around 8:30 am, several workers from the FEHD arrived at the stall and put up plastic tape and metal barriers around it to cordon off the area.
About an hour later, security guards moved in to surround the stall – after which the Alliance decided to pack up and leave.
Lee criticised the officials for not discussing the matter or explaining how they had violated the contract with them.
The Alliance said they will now pass on the flowers to community workers for free, so that they won’t go to waste and that their message could still reach the public.
An Alliance spokesman, Richard Tsoi, said the authorities failed to give a proper explanation in cancelling their contract.
“We did the same [as before], but it’s the first time government departments try to suppress us,” Tsoi said.
“We don’t know whether it’s because of the enactment of the national security law in Hong Kong, and the political situation getting worse….. We are quite concerned.”
He added that he expects more suppression both for the Alliance’s commemoration of June the Fourth and other types of action by members of society.”
Rowse toadying to his overlords with a nauseatingly fawning piece in the Sunday Post. Unless you are in need of an emetic, don’t bother to read it. I wish I hadn’t.