Schools’ bad apples purge begins

The Government Flying Service monitored 12 protesters as they left Hong Kong waters on a speedboat (see flight-tracker maps showing aircraft circling at low altitude). Rather than intercept the craft, the Hong Kong authorities left it to be picked up by Chinese authorities for illegally crossing the maritime limit.

Beijing can now make an example of the 12 in a CCP-run court, where they are likely to face harsh penalties. This will only further alienate many Hongkongers. But I’m not sure I get the outrage over the Security Bureau’s collusion with Mainland forces. Whose side do you think the Hong Kong government is on? (Or are you shocked that the cops lied?)

The real lesson is about the difficulties and dangers of trying to abscond from the city – or otherwise avoid persecution.

If you need more evidence that the Hong Kong administration is simply an extension of the CCP, education officials have barred a teacher for ‘smearing the country’ and ‘seriously damaging students’ with biased and inaccurate information. (Reportedly, the case was dropped earlier this year but resumed after passage of the NatSec Law.) See here for a dastardly pro-independence worksheet handed in by a student – officials struggle to sound convincing, but the main sin seems to be mentioning subjects like free speech without an overt pro-Beijing angle.

As well as deregistering the teacher, the People’s Education Bureau has reprimanded the principal and other staff for weak supervision. As with the 12 arrestees, this is about making an example and spreading fear – except it will be among tens of thousands of teachers. Any colleague, student or parent with a grudge can now ruin a teacher’s life with one call to the Gestapo.

How to make a root canal drift by like a warm breeze: read a nice headline in the dentist’s waiting room beforehand.
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12 Responses to Schools’ bad apples purge begins

  1. Hong Kong Hibernian says:

    Religious schools had best be on notice! The precedent has been set.

    No educators are safe now, not even the faux patriotic principals who have adorned their offices with Chinese flags and refer to the mainland as ‘the motherland’.

    Liberal Studies instructors had best retire now…

    Studying archaeology? Remember that through your unremitting efforts, archaeological findings can reveal the origin and evolution of the Chinese civilization, its glorious achievements and great contributions to the world civilization! All hail!

    Studying Law? Oh gawd, where to begin?

  2. Hong Kong Hibernian says:

    Oops- I forgot to mention that this deregistering (for ‘deregistering’ read ‘persecution’) took place while the rest of the world celebrated World Teachers Day on Monday, 5th October.

    Just saying.

  3. where's my jet plane says:

    Neville Sarony hits the nail on the Education Bureau’s appalling teacher “disciplinary” system:

  4. Twat #4 says:

    If the Mainland visitor numbers stay as they are, maybe the Tourism Board could consider each day publishing their names with a picture so that if we see them in the streets we can be super friendly and go up an introduce ourselves to them.

  5. Reactor #4 says:

    I am delighted that the school teachers supporting the HK’s independence movement are now being coshed about. They have a huge amount to answer for. Many were bullying the kids into taking their line (they have been doing it since Occupy). Once the teachers had achieved a critical mass with their charges, it became incredibly difficult for the non-aligned students to profess anything but support for the movement. The “peaceful protesters” are anything but that – their leaders are cynical bunch of arch-manipulators. The sooner they are off the streets/out of the classrooms the better it will be for practically everyone.

  6. Din Dan Che says:

    @Hibernian – I read the layman in charge of Catholic schools will be doing his damn best to ensure loyalty to the motherland comes well before the gospel

  7. Old Mind Doctor says:


    Good point about studying/teaching Law. In the ‘old days’ it was a HK parent’s greatest wish that their progeny would one day be photographed in a gown and mortar board holding up a degree in law. Huge face.

    Trumped any other social preening about having a daughter in the civil service or a son who is now a qualified dentist. Even passing-out of police training college was pretty good: secure job with pension.

    What will become the vicarious parental boast nowadays? That you have a son who has a job in the National Security Bureau? (And for whispered credibility) In a secret location in Tin Shui Wai?

  8. Feather in the Kapo says:

    @Old Mind Doctor

    Vicarious parental boasts will be (in order of splendour): having a kid that emigrated, having a kid that’s abroad emigrating, having a kid who’s allowed abroad, having a kid that’s not in the camps yet, having a kid who’s still alive in the camps.

  9. Onecistern says:

    Leaflet with my water bill from the Counter Terrorism Unit.The graphics make it look like a pizza flier. Actually on closer examination there seems to be either a pizza or egg tart in the background. There are some sticks of dynamite with a mobile phone attached. No ACME sign or Wiley Coyote.
    It contains handy tips.
    Readers are exhorted to Run Hide and Report violence.
    While hiding we are advised not to film the attackers.
    Yuen Long residents probably shouldn’t bother with reporting either.
    One centimeter is encouraging us to save water.

  10. Joe Blow says:

    Yuen Long citizens should not film, should not report and should not do the other thing. Because we know ‘where you live.’

  11. Steve Mc Garret says:

    “Many were bullying the kids into taking their line” . Proof please?

  12. Red Dragon says:


    You filthy heap of shit. Your entire post is chock a block with outlandish claims for which you provide no evidence whatsoever. Why? Because you have none.

    You are no more than a Q Anon troll. If Hemmers fails to chuck you out of here, I fear that I’m done with the Big Lychee.

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