Storm clouds and pro-Beijing protestors gather outside the Foreign Correspondents Club ahead of Andy Chan’s subversive lunch talk.
Meanwhile, a reminder of how former Chief Executive CY Leung started the Hong Kong Independence scare/meme/fad. And for acrobatics fans, a South China Morning Post column stretching and contorting logic in order to assert that both Andy Chan and censorship of ideas like his are harmless irrelevancies – so we can all stop worrying and go back to sleep.
Alternatively, Professor Larry Diamond (lawmaker Regina Ip’s Stanford MA supervisor) presents the Autocrats’ 12-Step Program. It looks eerily familiar – how many of these boxes has the Communist Party ticked in Hong Kong so far? ‘Demonize opposition’, ‘Enrich loyal crony capitalists’… Our elected bodies are increasingly pointless anyway, but the one on ‘rigging electoral rules’ applies, as seen in the latest on gerrymandering District Council constituencies (also evidence that the CCP needs to get a life).
As the police, prosecutions and other departments know, the one on ‘political control over state bureaucracy’ is also underway. The Number 3 Typhoon Signal is already hoisted, and a Number 8 would mean cancelling that FCC lunch: will the HK Observatory be pressured into giving us all the afternoon off in the name of national security?
They bussed the pretties in from NT, a rather actractive crowd with the flattering china flags. Who doesn’t want to be part of such a posse?
Instead of free lunch boxes and a liter of cooking oil, the Kooks and CCPers ought to promise free dental work.