Former Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s taxpayer-provided secretariat is to move from Pacific Place, where the rent is HK$5.6 million, to the government’s Immigration Tower, where renovation will cost a mere HK$2.8 million. (Look – gold toilets aren’t cheap these days.). The SCMP reports…
[Chief Secretary Eric Chan said] the government previously spent about HK$6.55 million to renovate her office in Admiralty but stressed it did not have to return the premises to its original state.
“The government liaised with the landlord, who agreed to take over the office in an as-is condition, and no reinstatement works will be required,” the chief secretary said.
Lam’s office came under scrutiny by lawmakers and the public when it was revealed the Admiralty space cost taxpayers an estimated HK$9.17 million in the 2023-24 financial year, including HK$5.67 million in rent.
Swires aren’t stupid. If someone had spent HK$6.55 million renovating an office I owned, I would sure as hell let them off returning it to its original state.
HKFP provides some additional context…
In 2017, Lam announced that the Immigration Tower would be demolished to make way for a new wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Local media reported that the complex would be demolished in 2026.
Chief Executive John Lee confirmed last January that the demolition plan would go ahead as planned. “So while the redevelopment plan will go ahead, for the buildings that have been vacated, we should make good use of them,” he said.
“That is why we are now renovating the accommodation there, so as to allow the former Chief Executive to move in. I think that will save government money, and also that will ensure government resources are properly utilised.
‘Good use’. So after one year, it will be returned to its original state in a big way. And this is using resources wisely. It’s almost as if there’s: a) no budget deficit; and b) no-one who could find a more productive and economical short-term use for empty space in a prime location – just use it as a shelter for street sleepers if you can’t think of anything better.
Has anyone explained why all four former CEs can’t share a pool of secretaries and drivers at the Kennedy Road site? (Or why they need any of this and can’t just make their own dental appointments and take a bus.)
Another thing: funny how we have a group of cops running Hong Kong, arresting people for their T-shirts and pushing inane pandas everywhere, and still you never hear anyone saying ‘Gosh, I miss Carrie Lam’.
While we’re at it – a transcript of Jimmy Lai’s trial on Tuesday is here. Scroll down to ‘15:22 Lai Calls Himself a Political Prisoner’.
A message from David Webb.
in the link to “a message from David Webb” on Hemlock’s page, Mr Webb explains the reason why his excellent website will not continue to be updated from various dates in 2025. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all the great articles he has published over the years, providing a large amount of accurate information about public administration in Hong Kong, accompanied by considerable quantities of amusement. He will be sorely missed.
What the fuck does C.Lam do that requires an office at all? What the fuck has she done since she stopped being CE?
Re the Immigration Tower move, why does the government move facilities visited daily by thousands of the public to remote locations that make things very inconvenient for those they are supposed to be serving?
This is really sad news about David Webb. A rare combination of humanity, intellect, and skill. I’ve read his articles throughout my adult life in Hong Kong. I’ll miss the website, but for me the bigger impact will be from knowing that the man who had the heart to build it is gone.
Re Ex-CE’s huge lavish office
As per load toad, I seriously don’t get this nonsense at all:
If you’ve qualified for a government pension because you’re not working anymore, you don’t need a government office to work in period, let alone one that costs millions of dollars. I mean, retiring from the job is literally called: “leaving office”.
Let’s face it, if the government were to turf them out of their HK$21 million a year offices and save the cash, what are they going to do? Resign? Not show up to … not work? Can we do without them? Aren’t we doing without them already?
Let them buy their own fucking shed: those overpaid numpties can afford it.
Seconded. The Webb-site has been Hong Kong’s de facto journal of record for all matters financial for decades, and his tireless investigation into the government’s ineptitude and stupidity will indeed leave a huge knowledge vacuum.
> Low Profile
‘…why does the government move facilities visited daily by thousands of the public to remote locations that make things very inconvenient for those they are supposed to be serving?’
Do you really need an answer to that?
David Webb will indeed be sorely missed by many. I’ve admired his tireless work for many years. The fact that HKU senior management rejected the option of taking over the function of Webb-site speaks volumes.
David Webb and Carrie Lam. One with a powerful, analytic mind, determined to flush out the Augean stables that infest Hong Kong, fearless in exposing corruption, standing up to vested interests.
The other, not.
Hope I can show half the courage this man is when it’s my turn to check out to the great Index Linked Pension in the sky.
I am a big fan of Webb and I will miss him.
A few observations:
As I have mentioned previously, Tung has not been seen in public for some years and when he was CE he continued to operate from his own home. There is absolutely no valid reason to reserve office space for him. But maybe the space is being reserved for a possible one term CE?
While the fittings at the Swire office cannot be relocated, surely the furniture could be used at the new digs? How much can it cost to repaint the offices and lay some new flooring? Loo can be tarted up by glueing some fake marble tiling on top of the no doubt well-worn existing decor. It should be mandatory for govt officials to watch some of those home transformation series aired on local TV.
Swire will be renting the vacated offices at a premium to some wannabe from the North hoping to impress gullible clients by boasting that it was fitted out for ex-CE.
Re the redevelopment of the Wanchai office towers. This will not go ahead for some time. It was to be a New World project; it built and operates the existing HKCEC. Now that NWD has ‘mo chin’ and other developers would be wary of taking on such a large project with potential interface issues in the current market conditions, expectations would be that the offices will be quietly repopulated for some time to come.
The once respected HKU is now nothing more than a grubby real estate developer. Hot on the heels of David Webb’s revelation, PORI is also fading away.
It is a sad indictment on the state of our society that the Webb operation will wrap up when it should be a lasting testimonial to a life well spent and devoted to genuine civic participation.
@Mary Melville: “It is a sad indictment on the state of our society that the Webb operation will wrap up when it should be a lasting testimonial to a life well spent and devoted to genuine civic participation.” 100% on every point.
Lots of talk about patriotism these days. There’s very few Hongkongers who have done more patriotic work than David Webb with his efforts to push for more transparency and accountability in business.
The failure of TPTB to take any notice of these efforts or to support Webb-site demonstrates that the HK Establishment’s commitment to patriotism is about as sincere as its commitment to capitalism and free markets.
The political and business establishment is nothing but a bunch of crooks and cronies plucking the golden goose even as it squeezes out its last few eggs. A city where slumlords maintain that windows are an unnecessary frippery and where a retired civil servants can spend nearly $10m on office refurbs in 6 years.
May I add my wholehearted support for all the compliments and thanks to David Webb. His work is the epitome of selflessness.