Week ends with a whimper

We need something relaxing and wholesome. Just a quick link to a Zolina City Mag guide to all the places in Tai O where you can see whale bones. That village is just packed with them.

If you insist on serious nastiness… I am distressed to hear that people clicking on the recent link to see the Lego (or whatever) models of a doctor lancing a boil on Regina Ip’s inner thigh (never thought I’d string those four words together), only to find the post removed or on a site they can’t see. And they are sorely vexed. The content is still sitting in my cache. So do I upload it, or let the whole thing pass? The answer is here. As a public service, in the interests of art. (Warning: this is nightmarishly repulsive and hard to forget. It is to scenes using dolls what the late David Lynch’s Eraserhead is to Disney.) 

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2 Responses to Week ends with a whimper

  1. Psycho Wong says:

    Is that a whalebone in your pocket…?

  2. Chinese Netizen says:

    Thanks for that.

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