Lawmaker misses pan-dems

Slightly maverick lawmaker Paul Tse criticizes Hong Kong’s Legislative Council for no longer exercising oversight over ‘serious matters’…

“…only two reporters attended the Public Accounts Committee press conference in May, and Legco has yet to convene a Committee of Inquiry meeting in the current term,” he said.

“The monitoring role of Legco has been distorted, and its very purpose has been repeatedly questioned.”

To address this, Tse suggested strengthening Legco’s monitoring function, which could “restore public support and trust in Legco and the government.”

Surely the whole purpose of an opposition-free legislature is to support the government and not have democratically elected troublemakers highlighting problems?

But if they want to stir things up, maybe the all-patriots could get some inspiration from the HK Outdoors blog’s view of the government’s plans for a South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor…

The planned project [basket of projects] is “eco” in name only, using eco for greenwashing rather than being of any substance.

Zero plans for any enhancements to the natural environment/biodiversity of south Lantau; instead, only projects that will damage the environment to varying degrees.

Kind of shocking, really, this can emerge from the “Sustainable Lantau Office”, which has been operating for several years now. 

…Chairlift, visitor centre with catering, boardwalks, education centres etc – There isn’t a shred of originality here! Just lazily cobbling together a bunch of ideas that are applied elsewhere, with no real thoughts or insights about Lantau itself; nothing even suggesting the consultants have taken part in any activities whatsoever, experienced issues like taking buses back to Tung Chung on busy days.

Credit where it’s due…

Cheung Sha Hillside Adventure – There is almost a good idea here, but only almost. 

Some weekend reading and viewing…

Marketwatch looks at the anti-Kamala Harris (and pro-Trump) content coming out on Chinese social media…

…with many spreading long-debunked rumors about her past romantic relationships…

And disapproval from state media…

[One] said, “Harris has not achieved any political achievements worth mentioning in the more than three years since she became vice president, her governing ability is limited, and she often laughs for no reason.” 

Perhaps the problem is that Harris is not in the pocket of Vladimir Putin and can’t be bought off by Beijing.

A pretty hefty (17-minute) trailer for TV series Zero Day – about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, starting with a blockade.

As a clever touch, the trailer was released at the same time as an official annual air-raid drill.

RFA says

People are shown trying to leave the island, amid a run on banks, the hasty evacuation of foreign citizens, young men pledging to defend Taiwan and infiltration by Beijing collaborators.

“The trailer reveals a very realistic description of a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan, also China’s use of cognitive warfare and the incitement of internal unrest,” said Taiwan security expert Shen Ming-shih.

It does look pretty harrowing. It will be interesting to see how it impacts Taiwanese public opinion, and whether Chinese officials or state media respond.

While we’re at it – another (lighter and shorter) video from Taiwan incorporating a maritime theme.

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9 Responses to Lawmaker misses pan-dems

  1. Get a real job says:

    The thing that confuses me is the fact that there are still people like Paul Tse who labour under the impression that their bosses care about what they think. You’re a seat warmer, Paul. Deal with it.

  2. Reactor #4 says:

    People shouldn’t waste a nano-calorie concerning themselves with infrastructure developments on South Lantau. The ‘chattering-class’ types there bitch about everything that is planned for the area – airport at Chek Lap Kok, Tung Chung Road, Disneyland, Super Incinerator etc. The fact is, they love the conveniences and/or benefits that each has since brought, including increased property prices. No doubt the same will apply when the South Lantau Eco-Recreation Corridor is completed.

  3. reductio says:

    What’s that snitch line number? Want to be the first to dob Paul Tse in and claim my million $$$!!!

  4. Low Profile says:

    While I generally subscribe to the notion that it is best not to respond to Reactor #4’s ill-informed comments, I would point out that concern over the concretisation of South Lantau is not because we give a damn what the island’s “chattering classes” think, but because it is one of the few remaining unspoiled retreats for those of us who don’t own property there.

  5. Knownot says:

    Suggested by Young Winston last weekend.
    – – – – – – – –


    Three years ago or more
    They came to my front door.
    It was very early in the day
    While the sun was rising.
    In rough, aggressive way
    The door and gate were rattled.
    I woke alarmed and thought,
    “What is this noise surprising?”
    And then I knew, no doubt,
    I knew my life was shattered,
    To pass alone, unnaturally.

    To think that every day till then
    I lived the same as other men,
    In shops, cafés, in parks, in streets;
    And happily used to greet
    My friends with “Hey, good morning!”
    Now all has turned to nothing.
    And in the gloomy days
    I meditate and gaze
    “Upon that little tent of blue
    Which prisoners call the sky”.
    Some afternoons at two
    Sun lights my yearning eye.

    On some days I am brought
    To make my case in court.
    I see the streets again
    But cannot greet again
    My family and friends.
    When the hearing ends
    Back I’m swiftly driven,
    Back home, to my prison.
    And when the gates are shut,
    And all connections cut,
    I sit and think that I
    Will sit here till I die
    Alone till then, unnaturally.

    – – – – – –

    After ‘Alone Again (Naturally)’
    Written and sung by Gilbert O’Sullivan.
    The quoted words are from
    ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol’ by Oscar Wilde.

  6. Young Winston says:

    @Knownot – Beautifully done. Thank you.


  7. asiaseen says:

    OT but from RTHK WTF are “quality productive forces”?

  8. Eggs n Ham says:

    Thank you Knownot. Poignant indeed.
    And a more modern inspiration than oft.

  9. Mary Melville says:

    And with a nod and wink to Knownot’s excellent prose
    Yeah because applications for protests are followed up with an invite for a cuppa down the station, and the early morning wake up pounding on the door if that does not deter the applicant.
    Of course these interviews are intended for external consumption. Locals roll their eyes, pass wind, choke on their cornflakes or make those lewd gestures that are still tolerated.

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