A nothing-berger?

One of the remaining UK non-permanent judges is hearing the appeal by Martin Lee, Margaret Ng, Jimmy Lai, Albert Ho, Lee Cheuk-yan, Long Hair and Cyd Ho (ages 67-88) over their conviction for illegal assembly…

[David] Neuberger told Reuters in mid-June he would remain on Hong Kong’s highest court to “to support the rule of law in Hong Kong, as best I can.”

HKFP story on the case here

On [August 18, 2019] organisers estimated that 1.7 million people attended a “water flow” assembly in Causeway Bay’s Victoria Park, as months-long protests sparked by a controversial amendment to the city’s extradition bill continued. The seven activists were seen leading a march, which they said was a “dispersal plan,” and chanting protest slogans.

The group successfully overturned their conviction over organising an unauthorised assembly last August, but their conviction on the participation charge was upheld. The case reached the city’s final appellate court on Monday, when five judges heard arguments on whether “operational proportionality” should be followed by local courts.

With Counter-Terrorism Police in attendance, perhaps in case Margaret Ng unleashes one of her killer cats… 

Plus fold-out tunnels, so appellants already in jail won’t be seen by the media.

The court reserves judgment.

Albert Ho and Lee Cheuk-yan are also being tried as members of the Tiananmen vigil organizers who are charged with ‘inciting subversion of state power’. Co-defendant Chow Hang-tung is asking for Anna Lai to be be removed from the panel of NatSec judges  …

Chow argued that Lai had previously viewed police investigatory materials that were redacted and kept from Chow and her defence team in a case involving the Alliance’s refusal to hand over data to the police.

…Lai’s access to those materials in the previous case could result in prejudice against Chow, the rights activist told the court, adding that the investigation materials were irrelevant to the national security case,

Allan Zeman says Chief Executive John Lee has made Hong Kong ‘come alive again’.

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11 Responses to A nothing-berger?

  1. John Malone says:

    Allan Zeman is right again.

    PC Lee is exactly what the Party ordered. He is a perfect fit.

    Note to AZ: “One of the best” out of five is a left-handed compliment.

  2. Lo Wu Vuitton says:

    Zeman looks more and more like death on a cracker. Stop quoting the old fool.

  3. reductio says:

    Curious: what is in those backpacks the cops are carrying? Not bulky enough for riot gear.

  4. MC says:

    “Zeman’s comments came as more than 22 percent of participants in the Sing Tao opinion poll believe the administration is willing to listen to what they have to say while some said the authorities are active and take responsibility.”

    Damn, that is some faint praise.

  5. wmjp says:

    Curious: and why the baby-blue uniforms?

  6. What has it got in its bagginses? says:

    Sub-machine guns.

    Either some of the HKPF’s remaining ancient MP5s or perhaps a new downmarket Chinese/Russian replacement, because Heckler & Koch doesn’t sell to oppressive regimes, and the EU and US have blocked weapons sales.

    Either might explain the cops’ uncharacteristic reluctance to show off their toys: the MP5s are old, irreplaceable and no doubt being cannibalised, so they’re not allowed out of the bag anymore in case the idiots drop them; or the new toys are third rate stuff that’s just an embarrassing downgrade for the sort of thirsty gun fanboi that joins counterterrorism.

    A final, very HKSARG, option looms: the bags are empty, because they know SMGs are completely unnecessary, there aren’t enough working MP5s to go around and there’s still no replacements.

  7. Young Winston says:

    I guess the self-serving creep is up shit creek now if he’s only got PRC citizenship.

  8. Psycho Wong says:

    @reductio: Subway sandwich and a pack of Vitasoy.

  9. Chinese Netizen says:

    All Semen needs to complete the crafty, wily Chinaman costume he’s taken on is a prominent mole on his face with seven or eight foot-long hairs growing out of it.

  10. steve says:

    Chow Hang-tung continues to be a true hero. She pulls down their knickers every time they turn around.

  11. Mark Bradley says:

    “I guess the self-serving creep is up shit creek now if he’s only got PRC citizenship.”

    Now that he has the HK Chinese Nationality and HKSAR passport all he needs to do is buy a second passport in a “citizenship via property investment” scheme in EU or Caribbean and he has a second passport in his back pocket just like the locals do.

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