Gwyneth Ho’s no-pulled-punches testimony in the HK47 case. I assume the defendants will be stressing – as in screaming out loud – that vetoing a budget/triggering CE’s resignation was specifically allowed for in the Basic Law…
In theory, it should be all they need to get the case thrown out. In theory.
NatSec police ‘take in’ more relatives of the overseas wanted eight for questioning.
Standard report here.
A Spectator article on China’s economy joins in…
The strange juxtaposition of opportunistic charm and thuggery is also evident in Hong Kong. The government has launched a ‘Happy Hong Kong’ campaign to woo back tourists and business. But just as this was getting up to speed the Hong Kong authorities announced they were offering a HK$1 million (£100,000) award for information leading to the arrest of eight exiled pro-democracy activists. John Lee, the territory’s tin-pot leader, announced that the activists should be treated like ‘street rats’. Earlier this week, Hong Kong police took away for questioning the parents and brother of Nathan Law, one of the wanted activists, who is now in the UK.
Some weekend links…
A China Daily piece by a former – not to say elderly – government information official who has become almost a parody of a pro-Beijing tool. Even sadder than it might seem. Note the almost robotic/cut-and-paste language (like it was written by some AI program).
Academic Zhang Jun on the need for China to boost household incomes…
There is a significant blind spot in the discussions within the Chinese economic academic community, as all the discussions revolve around the development of enterprises and industries, with no focus on families, and very little attention given to wage issues. Even when discussing technological advancements in enterprises, there is a lack of research on how these advancements are shared with labor in terms of returns.
(As Michael Pettis would point out, China’s low household consumption is part of a bigger structural pattern that creates trade surpluses – essentially offshoring consumption via capital flows into trade-deficit economies like the US and the UK. Germany does it too. It lowers living standards for both surplus and deficit economies.)
A thread on China’s strange obsession with establishing separate genetic origins for its own human population…
Someone should ask Dr. Luo if the Uyghurs, Mongolians etc. and other members of the “Chinese race” zhonghuaminzu are connected to this chain, and then if Kazakhs and Koreans are too, and if yes/no how etc. Would love to hear how he thinks it all makes sense.
That comment was inspired by this SCMP story on a claim that pre-Homo sapiens hominins’ culture in what is now China has ‘continuous links’ with modern-day Chinese culture – and by implication, ethnicity. (In fairness, the SCMP science reporter points out that pre-Homo sapiens hominins overlapped with modern humans in other parts of the world. In theory, Neanderthals’ or other groups’ cultures could have influenced modern humans – so there would be nothing special, let alone ‘Chinese’, about such a thing happening in East Asia.)
Who needs copywriters when you have Marjorie Taylor Greene? Joe Biden takes a sort-of blistering attack by a Republican critic and uses it, verbatim, as a campaign ad for himself.
Your neo-liberal journalist links are not boring in a way. But they do go on about it.
Much of the talk about Hong Hong centres on the idea” “Look what a mess they are making of Hong Kong’s human rights etc and ruining the city economically in the end and who would want to do that I ask you.”
Actually China couldn’t give a damn about Hong Kong and sincerely hopes it becomes as important as say Changsha, Nanchang, Wuhan, Tianjin, Chonqqing, Hangzhou or Chengdu.
For example.
Let journalists write this down on their desks and think about it. If they can still write that is.
Neo-liberalism is about levelling up.
Communism is about levelling down.
There we are. What a wonderful link!
PS: Never mind HK 47. It’s HK 74 that counts. That’s how long the Chinese communists have been in power. They do love a liberal roast! Tasty.
On the opportunistic thuggery side of things:
I’m a bit surprised he only got three months. I wouldn’t take a bet against the Dof”J” moving to get that increased pour encourager les autres.
No offence but you have a habit or uncritical, worshipful regurgitation of talking points by a proven systematic liar and likely bribery recipient (Biden). It harms your credibility.
I seem to recall reactor 4 boring us day after day with long rambling comments instead of starting a blog of his own.
Piss off Ron
You beat me to it, Mark.
China Daily really has a gruesome rogues gallery of gweilo CCP shills.
Hey there, San Diego, you stay classy.
No need for the dick waving.
Yes, Ron, lets stay classy.
Like Reactor#4. Now that’s classy.
Gwyneth Ho is a smart & courageous person.
The contrast between her and her persecutors could not be greater.
They are locking up the best HK people, and silencing or co-opting the rest.
It’s such a sad spectacle.
Mark Bradley and “Ron gets lost”, a couple of classy guys showing their intellect and class, lovely guys
@Ron – it’s hard to make out a convincing case for the current occupant of the White Hoiuse being a “proven systematic liar” when you compare him against his predecessor, who was (and is) a world champion in the art of mendacity.
Conform or die. That is their motto.