Out of a sense of public duty, I finally sample the Pokemon Ocean Bomb Deep Sea Sparkling Water Cubumber (Pikachu)…
As seen here posing gleefully next to the latest batch of kimchi (third day of fermentation), it is indeed as clear and effervescent as the name suggests…
While it has a pronounced salady nose, the actual cubumber taste is pleasantly restrained. It is sweet, but not sugary and certainly not gummy like regular sodas. Extremely refreshing on a hot day.
I suspect that a dash of vodka would work. Maybe some trendy hipster Sheung Wan bar is already serving it as an artisanal themed Eastern European cocktail concept, with a sprig of hand-reared dill beneath the ice and a slice twist of gleaming organic cucumber impaled on the rim of the clunky jar, for HK$180.
For the curious – you want the yellow can, and it’s at the 360 snacks emporium, and maybe elsewhere. Now all it needs is a new name.
Update…What do you call it when an article about censorship is censored? Yesterday’s link to the Asia Society/Ronnie Chan/Panda-grovel Forbes piece has mysteriously disappeared – thus apparently proving its own thesis more conclusively than its author and the providers of quotes could ever had expected. (The first page at least survives via Google cache, and it’s all here, too.)
…..and talking of censorship it is well noted that the PRC wants to stop individual VPNs (which is how the majority of people in the mainland can access real search engines like Google). Is this all a reaction to the daily broadcasts from Guo Wengui/ Miles Kwok?
Send an e-mail to mailto:customerservice@forbes.com telling them we’ve rumbled their self-censorship. I did!
There must be a YouTube channel in that.
See how you have progressed. Twenty-five years ago, you were drinking box Chateau Reynella with tap water. Now look at you.
Time for some electric soup and a mucky video.
Pip, pip!
There is that word again “rumbled” …
4-0-figures … http://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/forbes-names-asia-society-co-chair-ronnie-chan-hero-philanthropy
Forbes is owned by Hong Kong & Singapore investors. A single phone call would have done the trick.
Why would anybody want to pay US 25 for an effing cocktail in an effing bar in effing LKF ?
For the effing glamour of it all