中共中央海外辦公廳 3月12日 訊息
( 中共中央海外辦公廳 2月18日 訊息——– Peter Wong調停香港特首選舉危機 )
中共中央海外辦公廳主任 王耀萱 Peter
( 中共中央海外辦公廳 2月27日訊息 )
致習近平副主席、中央軍委、中央委員、權威元老、將軍將領們 :
繼2011年12月15日蘋果日報高調報導,香港特首選舉 (習近平撑梁振英) 及2012年2月27日蘋果日報頭版報導 (料獲習近平撐腰梁振英當選在望)及同日無綫新聞訪問民主黨何俊仁表示“有親中背景人仕”要求他及泛民與梁振英好好合作及將手上選委選票換取梁振英當選後政府職位,傳媒廣泛報導。那些干涉香港特區內部選舉事務,演變成中共黨內派別鬥爭,導致香港建制派、民主派、商界及基層矛盾加深 。(註: 今天無線新聞: 民主黨何俊仁及工聯會會長鄭耀棠說,無聽過中央屬意行政長官候選人梁振英出任特首).
身為國家副主席元帥級人仕能胡亂給別人愚弄嗎?真的是習近平副主席及其下屬背後操控,協助梁振英當選成行政長官嗎??這大量不擇手段欺騙選委 “假傳聖旨”“揭黑幕” 的提才誤導港人及選委,為梁振英爭取民意及選票支持,這行為適當嗎???習近平副主席是否應該澄清真相、劃清界線。不要共同做出誤黨誤國誤港的醜行,這暴露出過往回歸十多年來,經常有人以親中背景、人大、政協、常委等﹍人仕混水摸魚、造謠生事、指鹿為馬,以致港人對國家產生不良影響造成傷害。
副主任 邱振傑 謹上
( 中共中央海外辦公廳3月7日訊息–致梁振英等行政長官參選人、選委委員 及 相關人仕 )
致梁振英等行政長官參選人、選委委員 及相關人仕:
繼2011年12月15日蘋果日報高調報導香港特首選舉「習近平撑梁振英」、2012年2月27日蘋果日報頭版報導「料獲習近平撐腰梁振英當選在望」、2012年3月3日蘋果日報頭版報導 「特首選戰習近平拍板、梁振英700票當選」 三次公開誤導市民大眾,錯誤報導習近平撑梁振英的基礎上,2012年3月3日劉夢熊振振有詞在傳媒面前宣稱中央會有傾向性表態,再配合3月4日在北京上演提早霸位搶先跟習近平握手的鬧劇,制造習近平欽點論,成全民大笑話。給現場的政協常委陳永祺拆穿,並憤怒的說:「習近平拍板梁振英」是胡說八道。
中共中央海外辦公廳 副主任 邱振傑 謹上
(中共中央海外辦公廳 3月8日訊息 —– 香港特首選舉 特急訊息)
梁振英等行政長官參選人、選委委員 及 相關人士:
繼2011年12月15日蘋果日報高調報導香港特首選舉「習近平撑梁振英」;2012年2月27日蘋果日報頭版報導「料獲習近平撐腰梁振英當選在望」;2012年3月3日蘋果日報頭版報導 「特首選戰習近平拍板、梁振英700票當選」 連續三次公然誤導選委委員和市民大眾,在故意引導造成習近平撑梁振英的輿論基礎上,2012年3月3日劉夢熊振振有詞在傳媒面前宣稱中央會有傾向性表態,3月4日在北京上演提早霸位、搶先跟習近平握手的「大鬧劇」,自編、自導、自演習近平欽點論,妄圖為梁振英奪取特首位置,為利益集團代言人而不擇手段,其卑鄙行徑成全球皆知之國際大笑話。
中共中央海外辦公廳 副主任 邱振傑 謹上
( 中共中央海外辦公廳 3月9日 訊息 ——– 徹查「習近平欽點論」 )
本人邱振傑(中共中央海外辦公廳 副主任)於2012年3月8日早上,將有關徹查聯盟參選集團借用習近平等領導人聲譽,蒙蔽香港市民提高民調,騙取選委選票入閘過程的幕後黑手、主腦及幫凶之文件訊息傳送予各黨政軍後,即日晚上北京统戰部及中南海高層,便在北京配合會晤挺唐政協 並引領選舉返回正常健康的軌道發展。
由於習近平副主席因香港2010年政改危機中犯錯誤而仍在受教育中,故不便以港澳協調小組組長做出任何敏感性、決策性之發言。有鑒於此,中共中央海外辦公廳 王耀萱主任代表學生習近平處理及徹查梁振英及幕後黑手、主謀製造「習近平欽點論」這政冶案件。 詳請請看附件!
中共中央海外辦公廳 副主任 邱振傑 謹上
( 中共中央海外辦公廳 3月10日 訊息 —– 第五號文件序論草稿 )
中共中央海外辦公廳 主任 王耀萱 Peter
本人兼任「民捷系統主席」、「中央軍委、 中華人民共和國中央人民政府首席代表、顧問」、「中華民國、中華人民共和國首席協調人」、「2012香港行政長官選舉 首席監察人」、「習近平、李克強、劉延東、唐英年政治指導導師」
中共中央海外辦公廳 副主任 邱振傑 Paddy Yau (852)9828-3683 paddy8889@gmail.com
王耀萱私人秘書 謝安靜 Janey Tse (852)9776-8641 janeytse@i-cable.com
首席翻譯官:馮國柱博士Dr. Mike Fung Tel:(852) 536-28-567 Email: dr.mikefung@yahoo.com.hk
香港通訊地址:香港皇后大道中235號柏聯樓4樓;4/F., Parklane Building, 235 Queen s Road, Central, H.K.
中共中央常委會 政治局 中央委員會、中央軍委 各大軍區、全國人大委員會、全國政協委員會、中央紀檢、中央政法委、中央統戰部 等直屬部委、國務院各部委、各省市自治區黨委、各國國會 政黨 商會、港澳台政府、港澳總領事館、香港特首辦、港澳辦、中聯辦、香港選舉委員會、選委、各政黨 社團 各大傳媒、 大專院校、北京兩會代表 以及 全球知名人士、正義香港市民 。
***備註*** 🙁 2012年3月9日清晨草擬後,立即傳真胡錦濤主席及權威元老、將領等收集意見,至晚上由邱振傑副主任及謝安靜私人秘書等編輯成員經反覆討論後定稿,由馮國柱博士翻譯英文,2012年3月10日凌晨以互聯網全球傳送。以 梁振英聯盟參選集團 為目標、以 香港 為試點,迅速掀起全國反貪肅貪、打擊黑金政治及選舉貪污舞幣運動。促進政制文化法律改革,推動兩岸聯盟引領大中華和平掘起,實現鄧小平繼承人 宋平 海外唯一弟子 王耀萱 的跨世紀五星工程,領航全球共建世界地球村的雄圖偉願。)
March 12 message of the Office of the CPC Central Committee overseas
(Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas February 18 Messages ——– Peter Wong the mediation Hong Kong Chief Executive election crisis)
Dear Friends:
Hong Kong Chief Executive election has become an international joke, after consultation with the authority of the patriarch, the system, our national leaders, military and political directorate, has now reached a consensus. I mediate the Hong Kong Chief Executive election crisis, put an end to the despicable acts of the Union election group, will never allow their conspiracy to succeed! The system will guide the Hong Kong Chief Executive election towards the development of normal, healthy track.
Hereby notified to friends from all walks of life!
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee Wang Yaoxuan Peter
February 18, 2012
(Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas February 27 messages)
Caused by Xi Jinping, vice chairman of Central Military Commission, the Central Committee, the authority of elders, generals, generals:
High-profile reports following the December 15, 2011 Apple Daily, Hong Kong Chief Executive Election (Xi support Leung Chun-ying) and February 27, 2012, Apple Daily front-page coverage (material received Xi Jinping backing Leung Chun-ying was elected in sight) and the same day wireless news access Democratic Party, Mr Albert said that “pro-background person requires extensive media coverage of him and Pan-China and Leung Chun-ying, a good cooperation in the hands of the election committee votes in exchange for government posts Leung Chun-ying elected. Those that interfere with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region internal electoral affairs, and evolved into the Chinese Communist Party factional fighting, the Hong Kong establishment faction, democrats, business and grassroots intensify the conflict. (Note: Wireless News today: the Democratic Party, Mr Albert and the FTU president Cheng Yiu-tong said, heard of the central preferred candidates for the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying as the Chief Executive).
As a Vice President Marshal class person can casually to fool others? Really is the Vice President Xi Jinping, and its affiliated manipulation behind to assist Leung Chun-ying was elected as the Chief Executive? ? Mention of the “fake the decree of a large number of unscrupulous deception opted exposing shady” only misleading the people of Hong Kong and opted to fight for public opinion and votes support for Leung Chun-ying, this behavior appropriate? ? ? Vice President Xi Jinping, should clarify the truth, to draw the line. Do not make joint scandal mistakenly party damage to China and Hong Kong, which exposed the past return to more than a decade, has often been pro-background, the National People’s Congress and CPPCC, Standing ﹍ person to fish in troubled waters, spreading rumors, calling a stag a horse, so that the people of Hong Kong countries have a negative impact damage.
CPC Central Committee overseas the General Office
Deputy Director of Qiu Zhenjie Sincerely,
February 27, 2012
(Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee March 7 messages – caused by Leung Chun-ying, the Chief Executive election, the Election Committee members and relevant parties)
To Leung Chun-ying, Chief Executive candidates, the Election Committee members and relevant parties:
Following the December 15, 2011 Apple Daily reported that a high-profile Hong Kong Chief Executive election, “Xi Jinping support Leung Chun-ying, February 27, 2012 Apple Daily front page” material was Xi Jinping elected backing Leung Chun-ying, in sight “, March 2012 3 Apple Daily front-page report, “the Chief Executive election, Xi Jinping, green light, Leung Chun-ying 700 votes was elected three times publicly to mislead the public, error reports, Xi Jinping support on the basis of Leung Chun-ying’s, March 3, 2012 Liu Meng Xiong plausibly claimed that the central front of the media there will be tendentious statement, together with early Pa the first to shake hands with President Xi Jinping farce staged in Beijing on March 4, manufacturing, Xi Jinping, hand-picked on the, into a universal joke. Exposed to the scene of the CPPCC Standing Committee Chen Yongqi, and angrily said: “Xi Jinping finalized Leung Chun-ying” is nonsense.
Office of the CPC Central Committee and the overseas authorities, the unswerving implementation of the late national leader Deng Xiaoping’s “one country, two systems” national policy “and the entire process to monitor the whole process of the 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive election. February 18, 2012, the Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas, Wang Yaoxuan Officer formally announced to mediate the Hong Kong Chief Executive election crisis. The existing project investigation team to thoroughly investigate the criminal acts of the Union candidate Group in Hong Kong, in particular, to borrow the reputation of Xi Jinping, Li Jianguo, Tung Chee-hwa, Peng Qinghua, Wang Guangya, who, blinded by the Hong Kong members of the public opinion polls defraud the ballot at the gates of Election Committee behind the process. This system to take immediate and decisive action to stop, put an end to the election Group alliance to discredit other candidates, manufacture of the despicable behavior of the governance of Hong Kong chaos, into an international joke. In view of the seriousness of the situation, the Central Military Commission, the Central Political Bureau and other agencies attached great importance to and in line with the system to lead the Hong Kong Chief Executive election towards the development of normal, healthy track.
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, vice director of Qiu Zhenjie Sincerely,
March 7, 2012
(Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas March 8 Message —– Hong Kong Chief Executive Election Express message)
Leung Chun-ying and Chief Executive candidates, the Election Committee members and stakeholders:
Following the December 15, 2011, Apple Daily reported that a high-profile Hong Kong Chief Executive election, “Xi Jinping support Leung Chun-ying; February 27, 2012 Apple Daily front page material by Xi Jinping, the backing of Leung Chun-ying was elected in sight”; March 2012 3 Apple Daily front-page report, “the Chief Executive election, Xi Jinping, green light, Leung Chun-ying 700 votes elected three consecutive openly misleading the election of Committee members and the public, deliberately guide caused by Xi Jinping support of public opinion on the basis of Leung Chun-ying, March 3, 2012 Liu Meng Xiong plausibly claim that central tendency will be attitude, scramble for seats early to be staged in Beijing on March 4, the first to shake hands with President Xi Jinping’s “farce”, wrote, directed, and acted in Xi Jinping, hand-picked in front of the media on the for Leung Chun-ying, an attempt to seize the chief executive position to do anything for the spokesperson of the interest groups and their despicable act into the world’s known joke in the international.
Peng Qinghua, Chen Yongqi, Mrs Rita Fan, Jasper, Victor Li, Miriam, TAM Yiu-chung, Cheng Yiu-tong … etc. published a fair and impartial remarks, most know the truth of the Election Committee members and the public in the “Xi Jinping support Leung Chun-ying,” public opinion misleading, completely disoriented, the wicked in power, so that the entire community is extremely chaotic, almost anarchy.
Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas is the steadfast implementation of the late national leader Deng Xiaoping’s “one country, two systems” Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy “principle of authority, the entire process to monitor the whole process of the 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive election. In view of the critical case the situation got out of the Chief Executive election, the chief representative of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee Wang Yaoxuan Director of February 18, 2012 officially announced to mediate. The existing project investigation team to thoroughly investigate the criminal acts of the Union candidate Group in Hong Kong, in particular, to borrow the reputation of Xi Jinping, Li Jianguo, Tung Chee-hwa, Peng Qinghua, Wang Guangya, who, blinded by the Hong Kong members of the public opinion polls to cheat into the Election Committee votes gate process behind the mastermind and an accomplice.
In view of the sequelae to discredit the elections, Hong Kong has a great crisis in governance, “one country, two systems” survival of the challenges facing the system to convene an emergency meeting to take immediate and decisive action to stop. The Central Military Commission, the Central Political Bureau and other agencies attached great importance to, and reached a consensus to fully cooperate with the system quickly to stabilize the political situation in Hong Kong, leading to the election to return to the normal, healthy track development.
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, vice director of Qiu Zhenjie Sincerely,
March 8, 2012
(Overseas General Office of CPC Central Committee, March 9 Message ——– conduct a thorough investigation, “Xi Jinping, hand-picked on the”)
Caused by all walks of life the media and friends:
I Qiu Zhenjie (Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, deputy director) in the morning of March 8, 2012, the Election Committee ballot at the gates will be about a thorough investigation of the Alliance to run the Group borrowed Xi Jinping and other leaders of reputation, deceived the public in Hong Kong poll to cheat process behind, the mastermind and an accomplice of the file send a message to all military and political, the same day evening, the United Front Work Department and the Zhongnanhai high-level, then in Beijing with the meeting Ting Tang CPPCC and lead the election to return to the normal track of healthy development.
As Vice President Xi Jinping is due to mistakes while still affected by the 2010 political reform crisis in education, so make any inconvenience to Hong Kong and Macao Coordination Group, the sensitivity of decision-making speech. For this reason, overseas the General Office of the CPC Central Committee Wang Yaoxuan Director on behalf of students Xi Jinping treatment and a thorough investigation of Leung Chun-ying and behind, the mastermind of manufacture “Xi Jinping, hand-picked on the” political cases. Details please see attachment!
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, vice director of Qiu Zhenjie Sincerely,
March 9, 2012
(Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas March 10 message —– The fifth document sequence On draft)
Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas document sequence on the draft
The fifth document is to expedite the preparation of the immediate mobilization of the General Staff Headquarters (Central Military Commission, General Staff), the National Participation (National Strategy Staff) and the elite Titans stationed in Hong Kong to examine the whole process of the Chief Executive Election.
Where necessary, in order to document as the basis to convene a press conference.
Hu Jintao, Chairman of the CPC Standing Committee member, member of the Politburo, Central Committee, NPC deputies and CPPCC members, the Central Military Commission, the Central Political and Law Commission, the central discipline inspection, the Central United Front Work Department, National Security Bureau, Department of comrades:
(Members of the Cabinet, Heads of State, Government of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, political parties, associations, chambers of commerce, the Consulate General of Hong Kong and Macao, the media, think tanks, universities elite)
Captured two bullets from the Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan president, Leung Chun-ying (behind the mastermind of an accomplice, supporters, etc.) to the media momentum (three on the front page of Apple Daily, under the guise of the name of Xi Ting Leung Chun-ying) to cheat the poll and nominated by the Election Committee election the Chief Executive; disorder in Hong Kong from Taiwan independence DPP to the Hong Kong Alliance Group; split formed from Hong Kong sent to people disoriented; anarchy to international predators Group around the corner from Hong Kong is about … all these are closely monitored in the Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas and mastery. Leung Chun-ying and behind, the mastermind of an accomplice, in particular, is the gang organization, and bribed the mercenary, the hideous act to cause trouble-exposed in broad daylight, today is actually reduced to such a situation, the popular indignation!
In this most critical period of history in this time of crisis, Beijing two sessions gathered the authority of the patriarch of the Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas, national leaders, generals, government, and military heads of repeatedly studied decision: by the Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas on behalf of the Chinese People’s The Central People’s Government of the Republic of the Central Military Commission, the State Council in dealing with Hong Kong’s imminent political, economic, constitutional turmoil of a serious crisis.
Kam due to my student Xi Jinping in 2010 in Xianggangzhenggai the process deviation, and Song Ping teacher, Hu Jintao, senior educational growth for any sensitivity to the inconvenience to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Coordination Group, an introductory statement, handed over to the official status of the General Commander of Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping political mentor, the authority of national leaders, crisis management, I convened the government, and military law enforcement agencies join forces, political censorship of the disorder in Hong Kong, Leung Chun-ying, etc. Group.
Leung Chun-ying camp supporters, the media frequency Xi put on quite Leung Chun-ying of the serious political cases; domestic gang organization to lead the students, Mr Henry Tang of the Hong Kong triad intimidation; secret dealings with the candidates and the Election Committee of the Pan-China government officials; fraud interests; excessive and illegal conduct to discredit Mr Tsang, Mr Henry Tang, and government dignitaries, a series of events. This system fully hunting for the mastermind of the case, to pay the Central Political and Law Commission and the prosecution of the exclusive sector of the central discipline inspection. In exceptional circumstances, the Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Office, the Attorney General, Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), the Legislative Council, the Election Committee, the Security Bureau, the Immigration Department and other departmental joint operations with the Office of the CPC Central Committee and overseas deployment, we are united, more unswervingly safeguard the one country, two systems “policy of the late leader Deng Xiaoping, to protect the achievements of hard-won.
Leung Chun-ying, to snatch the 2012 Chief Executive’s position, hesitate trapped in dire straits, may lead to foreign investment almost exactly the retreat, the situation of economic slump. Stimulate formed faction split the civil service confidence, media fanning the flames, people subject to trouble and confusion, opportunistic politicians, ought not those who fish in troubled waters, leading to further political instability, the situation out of control. I leadership overseas to do all the staff recently worked very hard to fight to save Hong Kong, read many newspapers this morning (March 9 A4 version of the reports of the economy, saying a report of the Central United Front Work Department of the system and Zhongnanhai senior meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse very the Tang Quanguo NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members), we are more absolute confidence in the full cooperation of the Central Military Commission, the Central Political Bureau, HKSAR Government to take immediate and decisive action to put an end to the despicable acts of Leung Chun-ying, and related disorder in Hong Kong Group, the rapid pacification of Hong Kong the chaos, so to restore stability to be normal and healthy operation, in order to fight against the coming of another round of economic crisis, calling for the seven million people and the Central People’s Government work together to build the world’s economic capital of the new Hong Kong
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee Wang Yaoxuan Peter
March 10, 2012
I serve as Chairman of the China Express system, the Central Military Commission, the chief representative of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, the consultant “,” Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, chief coordinator “,” 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election chief supervisor “and” Xi nearly flat, Li, Liu Yandong, Mr Henry Tang, the political guiding mentor “
Overseas General Office of the CPC Central Committee, deputy director Qiu Zhenjie Paddy ‘Yau, (852) 9828-3683 paddy8889@gmail.com
Wang Yaoxuan private secretary Xie Anjing Janey Tse (852) 9776-8641 janeytse@i-cable.com
Chief interpreter: Dr. Feng Guozhu Dr. Mike Fung Tel: (852) 536-28-567 Email: dr.mikefung @ yahoo.com.hk
Mailing address in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Queen’s Road 235 Brilliant 4th Floor; 4 / F., Parklane is Building, 235 Queen s Road, Central, HK
Mentor Song Ping, President Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, former President, Premier Wen Jiabao, Vice President Xi Jinping, Vice Premier Li Keqiang, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Wang Yang, secretary, Bo Xilai, secretary, member Liu Yandong Guo, vice chairman, Lien Chan, Honorary Chairman Ma Ying-jeou the President, Vice President Wu Den-yih, Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung, Vincent Siew, former Vice President Wang Jin-pyng, president, Mayor Jason Hu, Minister Du Qinglin, governor Zhu Xiaodan Wang Rong Shuji Mr Peng, Lu Xinhua commissioners, Mr Donald Tsang, Chief Executive, , Mr Henry Tang, Chief Executive election, Mr Albert of Chief Executive, Mrs Rita Fan, member of the Standing Committee, Mr Stephen Lam, the Financial Secretary, Mr John Tsang, Financial Secretary, Secretary for Justice is the Pan Hantang president, Chang Man-chuan, director of Li Ka-shing, Chairman, Vice Chairman Victor Li, Li Shau Kee Chairman, President Ho, Chairman Cheng Yu-tung, Chairman Raymond Kwok, Thomas Kwok Ping-President, Mr Jasper TSANG, Dr York Chow, Secretary for the Secretary, Mr Ambrose SK Lee, President Joseph Lau Lau Director, Peter Lam, Chairman, James TIEN President, Tian North Star, Mr Anthony Wu, Chairman, Chan Wing Kee, Chairman, David YK Wong, president of Lam Tai-fai, President Shi Zaiqing, Lu Wenrui chairman, Miss Maria People’s Congress, TAM Yiu-chung, Chairman of sing, Chairman Cheng Yiu-tong, chairman, President Chen Youqing, Yu Kwok-chun President, Chairman Albert Yeung, Yang Zhao, chairman, Jeffrey Lam, Wong Yuk-man, Xu Xue President Chen Younan, president, Secretary-General Lin Maple …
Directly under the Central Committee of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission, the military regions, the National People’s Congress Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, the central discipline inspection, the Central Political and Law Commission, the Central United Front Work Department and other ministries, wagons, municipalities, and autonomous regional party committee, parliaments, political parties, chambers of commerce , Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan government, Hong Kong and Macau Consulate General of Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Office, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, the Liaison Office, Hong Kong Election Committee, Election Committee, the major media of various political parties, associations, colleges and universities, Beijing of the NPC as well as global celebrities, justice, the people of Hong Kong.
*** Note ***: drafting after the early morning (March 9, 2012, and immediately faxed to collect views of President Hu Jintao and the authority of the veteran generals, till repeatedly discussed by Qiu Zhenjie deputy director Xie Anjing private secretary Edit Members finalized by Dr. Feng Guozhu translation in English, the early morning of March 10, 2012 transmitted to the Internet global alliance to run the Group. Leung Chun-ying as the goal, to Hong Kong as a pilot, quickly set off a national anti-corruption anti-corruption, the fight against money politics and electoral corruption and Corrupt movement. to promote the political culture of legal reform, and promote cross-strait alliance to lead the peaceful rise of Greater China, heir to Deng Xiaoping Song Pinghai the only other cross-century disciple of Wang Yaoxuan five-star project, pilot global to build the world’s global village Xiongtu Wei would like to.)